Monday, October 10, 2011

Mean Girls

I know I was put on this earth to learn humility but I also know I was not put here to feel worthless and be in a constant state of self-deprecation. Why then, does it seem like, for women, those things are assumed to be synonymous?

Women are so so hard on themselves and it is very much accepted as part of being a woman, almost expected. When groups of women get together, much of the conversation involves women tearing themselves down for the shape of their body,their short-comings, their mothering, their lack of just about anything they consider themselves to lack. If a woman comments on a strength or mentions something she is proud of, we think she's bragging.

What would it be like for women to openly converse about the things they like about themselves?

God created us. Yes, he expects us to be humble but he also expects us to be grateful. Shouldn't we be in humble awe of his creation? How is it humble to rip down that which he has created? How is it grateful to criticize one of his most miraculous

Any great ideas on better ways to talk about ourselves and to ourselves? I'd love to hear how you block out the negative or emphasize the positive!

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