Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taking My Happiness Power Back

I recently read the following blog post by Seth Godin.  I've been thinking about it ever since...

Seth's Blog: If your happiness is based on always getting a little more than you've got...

To whom or to what am I giving the power of my happiness?  Is it the guy who might like me when I look or act a certain way?  Is it the summer break that's only 8 weeks away? Is it the time when I am all caught up on my recent medical bills?

Wow! All these people and things seem to have a hold on my happiness that they don't even care about or even know about.  But I know about it.  So why not take it back? Why not, since I am actually the only one with the awareness of it, own my happiness... Take back the power?

And I do believe there is power in happiness.  It is the great purpose of my life on this planet, the reason I was created.  "men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25).  The purpose of our very being is in joy. 

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