Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who's going to change it? I am.

Tonight I thought,

"Why do I care about changing everyone else's mind about our messed up, lame dieting mentality and obsession with skinny?"

I can't. I can change MY mind. I've been angry about diets and skinny-worship for about a year and a half now. Before that I was angry about not being skinny. I don't want to be angry anymore. I don't want to be mad that I can't get everyone to see it the way I do now. It's not my goal to change everyone anymore (which is a hard goal to give up because I'm very bossy and think I'm right about a lot).

I just want to be happy so...YAY, I get to be. I get to decide that. I get to decide if wearing a size 14 is the end of the world OR no big deal OR even kinda hot and sexy and curve-a-licious! I get to decide if I'm happy in my skin... if I want to change it a little... or a lot. But what I don't get to do is decide for everyone else. And if everyone else thinks I'm crazy or lame or lying to myself, THEY get to decide that.

I'm going to BE the change I want to see because, DAH, that's the only change I get to be or not be. It's the ONLY change I can make or not make.

This post is making me think to suggest watching the movie I AM and reading the book I AM. They're not related to each other but the messages are similar.

What are your ideas on this? Is there a good way to focus on what I can change and not worry so much about what everyone else thinks about it, even when it's not the norm?

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